PPC ads are simply paid advertising. PPC ads include, but are not limited to, search engine ads. Search engine ads such as Yandex and bing are also included in the scope of PPC advertising. We can even include channels such as Facebook and Instagram in this group.
It is called SEO for short. Websites are the efforts to increase the ranking in search results by making them suitable for search engines. Search engines list searches by common usage. Choosing among search engines to choose from, they update them for better, more advantageous results for users. When it comes to search engine in the UK, Google optimization can also come directly to mind. The big reason is that Google doesn't cover about 95% of its market. The optimization process can be grouped under two main headings: on-site SEO and off-site SEO.
On-site SEO: It's all about how rich the website is in experience and interaction, how the website in experience and interaction. Let's sub-edit the website, one or two of our content is too much expense. Your website is a supermarket. It makes it easier for your visitors to spend, regarding the views in the review section, general information about the end user you sell, those who are with you in terms of being able to find the content (the ones that are always on the end user's eye, those that are related to yours in the review above all) of your shopping. finally having a receipt or easy return. It will support the services it offers to everyone to provide a better experience, more availability and easy shopping. In this sense, on-site SEO.
Off-site SEO: Off-site SEO work is when your store or any person talks about your store, directs it to other people or recommends it to them.
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